
What we do


The rapid spread of virtual technologies, as well as Internet optimizations, does not prevent exhibitions from remaining the main and most effective tool for promoting goods and services. After all, it is at exhibitions that all industry players gather, all new developments and samples are demonstrated, and there is an opportunity to study and “touch” all this. Exhibitions stimulate innovation and competitiveness. Thanks to exhibitions, national and international boundaries are erased, and the necessary exchange of experience and knowledge occurs.

To achieve further growth and development, any company - large or small - strives to participate in exhibitions. The effectiveness of participation directly depends on the exhibition stand. If an exhibition stand is remembered by exhibition visitors, then the company that presented it will be remembered.

Exhibition stands are a modern presentation of the company.

An exhibition stand is a branded space allocated to a company for presentation or promotion of products and services on the territory of exhibition centers. An exhibition stand is an image of an enterprise created by an exhibition company based on the customer’s technical specifications.

Advantages of participating in an exhibition with an exhibition stand:

  1. Creating a company image.
  2. The ability to quickly reach the required levels of B2B, B2C.
  3. Concluding commercial contracts “here and now”.
  4. Strengthening the company's status.
Types of exhibition stands.

There are the following types of exhibition stands:

  • Mobile exhibition stands.
  • Standard exhibition stands.
  • Exclusive exhibition stands.


Mobile exhibition stands are typical reusable stands. The decisive factor is their mobility in transportation and use.

The advantages of mobile stands include:

  • Affordable price
  • Compactness
  • Possibility of assembly and transportation by one person
  • Use in small spaces.

The most common popular types of mobile exhibition stands:

  • roll-up
  • pop-up
  • promotional stands

Roll-up stands got their name due to the roller mechanism that winds the information sheet into a roll. Typical roll-up sizes: width from 80 cm or more, height 200-250 cm. The canvas is made of either a banner or paper. To give strength, the paper web is laminated with a glossy or matte film. Roll-up is convenient because it allows you to replace the sheet. Their main disadvantage: they cannot be used outdoors.

Roll-up stands

Pop-up stands made of aluminum frame, folded like an umbrella. The operating principle of pop-up stands: photo canvases are attached to the frame using magnetic dies. Pop-ups can be of different sizes by section. For example, 4x3, where 4 is the number of sections in length, 3 is the number of sections in height. The average section size is up to 1 meter. Pop-ups come in different shapes: straight, curved, concave, convex.

They are actively used at conferences as press oxen. Pop-up stands are popular due to their reusable use, the ability to replace photo canvases, and quick assembly (up to 5 minutes). They look great indoors with low ceilings. But using such structures at large exhibitions is impractical due to their small size. Against the backdrop of large developments, pop-ups are lost in the general information “noise”.

POP-up Stands

Promotional stands are ready-made standard equipment, consisting of a table-cabinet and a frieze part. Main place of use: shops, shopping centers. Promotional stands can be semicircular or square, branded with self-adhesive film.

Promo stands (tables)


Standard exhibition stands - a ready-made area equipped with a standard set of technical equipment. Rented from the general developer of the exhibition site. Standard exhibition stands are constructed from octanorm construction kit with plastic filling. The area is covered with carpet.

Standard exhibition stands

It is difficult to get a tangible marketing result from participating in an exhibition with a standard exhibition stand, since such stands lack brightness. In essence, this is impersonal equipment. These designs will not set the company apart from the general background of competing companies.

Before participating in the exhibition, the future exhibitor must clearly understand the goals and objectives of participation. We need to answer the question: how to use the reserved space to maximum benefit?

You need to understand that the exhibition is a platform where a huge number of companies exhibit:
manufacturers, suppliers, intermediaries. From this multitude of companies, it is necessary to stand out, regardless of the task: whether it is searching for a supplier, partners or your potential customers.

The main goal of participation is to attract maximum attention. Only exclusive exhibition stands can achieve this goal.
So, what is an exclusive exhibition stand?

An exclusive exhibition stand is the construction of a unique design project. A whole group of specialists is working on the creation of an exclusive exhibition project: designers, constructors, installers. Such exposures are used once. At the end of the exhibition, the stands are dismantled and subsequently disposed of. The design of an exclusive stand can be repeated, but the stand itself is built in a new way. Hence their name - exclusive. The design of an exclusive exhibition stand is determined by the customer’s technical specifications, which indicate the wishes and requirements for the development, goals and objectives for participation. Based on the technical specifications, the development company develops the concept of the stand, its idea.

When developing the concept, the following parameters are taken into account:

  • location of the area in the pavilion (at the entrance, in the center, on the side or at the very end of the pavilion)
  • direction of visitor flow
  • stand configuration (corner, peninsula, island, linear).
Let's look at the stand configurations in more detail.

Exhibition stand configurations

1. Corner configuration
The most common configuration, two sides open. The remaining two border the adjacent stand. Here it is better to play it safe and order the maximum height of the walls so that the neighbors’ walls do not turn out to be higher. There are cases when a design project, perfectly presented in the picture, looked unsuccessful after implementation due to the view of the walls of the adjacent stand.

2. Peninsula.
Peninsula – three sides are open. The ideal form for creating any design projects, concepts, various layouts are possible. Areas with this configuration are considered flagship and are located at the very beginning of the pavilion, often at the entrance. Such areas are usually occupied by leading companies.

3. Island.
The island is open on all sides, with maximum visibility. This configuration is suitable for creating so-called “art objects”. There are no restrictions for creating creative exhibition projects!

4. Linear.
Linear - one side is open. Perhaps the most inconvenient configuration. The stand is located between two adjacent ones. But with a skillful approach, all the disadvantages of this configuration can become advantages.